Mobile LED flasher
Quite often when I work on a project,ideas for other projects crop up.So when I was soldering a Pummer circuit it occurred to
me that it could be used for
a Solaroller as well(I know more experienced people will laugh now).A Solaroller was put
together quickly,circuit installed and the switch pushed.
Well moved forward,for a few centimeters,then it moved backwards......forwards again etc.
You get the picture,and while this makes for interesting movement it won't get you any prizes in Solaroller competitions.
I kept this one though and added an yellow LED which doesn't pumm but flashes.Oh'll
be a mobile LED flasher.
I still haven't given up on the idea of the Pummer circuit and it powering something forward.
Two motors used and then wired so that they both spin forward should work.Wheels attached to the motors will not be an
option because one wheel spins while the other isn't,blocking the forward motion.
So some movement that resembles paddling a canoe is the answer.Hmmm,to be continued...
Edit:July 2010,I've removed the pummer circuit and will change this project into a proper solaroller...