[Classification][Physidae][[Hydrobiidae] [Assimineidae] [Vivipariidae] [Bithyniidae] [Valvatiidae] [Acroloxoidae][ Lymnaeidae][ Planorbidae][Pomacea][Pila][Lanistes][Saulea] [Afropomus] [Marisa][Asolene]Freshwater snails
Welcome to the new introduction page of the freshwater snails.This part of the site has information about the biology of freshwatersnails. On different pages you will find the species within their Superfamilies and Families.
Biology Breathing Nervous system Blood circulation Reproduction The shell
Introduction to the freshwatersnails
You will find freshwatersnails all over the world,from freezing conditions to hot,sunny areas in the tropics.There are many different kinds of habitats: large lakes,flowing streams,calm ponds,brackish pools or bodies of water which turn into muddy areas in the dry season. Freshwatersnails have adapted to all those conditions. Freshwatersnails fall in two categories: Prosobranchs or Pulmonates. The Prosobranchs have gills in their mantle cavity and an operculum on the back of their foot.They have separate sexes. The Pulmonates have no gills and are hermaphroditic.
Biology of Ampulariidae
The body of the snail can be divided in three parts:head,foot and visceral mass.The body is attached to the shell with a strongly developed muscle:the columellar muscle. This starts from the foot and is attached to the columella.The visceral mass is covered by a skin and forms the pallium or the mantle.It forms a cover over the anterior part of the animal and envelopes the head when it is withdraw in the shell. The edge of the mantle is thickened and has the glands that secrets the shell. The headbears on both sides a labial palp,or the first pair of the tentacles. Behind he snout are the second pair of tentacles,these structures are filamentous. Thick at the base but ending in thin threads.They are about 2 inches long when fully extended.On small,blunt stalks,the ommatophores,are the eyes placed. The mantle cavity,also called the visceral sac,contains the heart,kidney and the other organs.It is closed in pulmonate snails except for the breathing pore,the pneumostome. The roof is covered with a network of blood vessels and forms a lung. In prosobranch snails it is open at the front and on the left is a pectinate gill. Many freshwater snails have a secondary gill near the pneumostome. The digestive proces starts with the mouth,food is rasped with radula. This consists of very small teeth and never stops growing from the back. The feeding canal has three sections:the fore-gut,the mid-gut and the hind-gut. The mouth is located at the end of the snout.It has no true lips,just plicate edges. The first part of the feeding canal is formed by the buccal mass,the next part is the oesophagus.The oesophagus enters the visceral mass into the stomach. In the visceral mass the oesophagus runs through the right side of the pericardium along the edge of the digestive gland. The stomach has three chambers: the posterior chamber(gizzard),the anterior chamber(vestibule) and the style sac. Enzymes and slime are added to the food in the posterior chamber,in the anterior chamber big food parts are filtered out.The food is transported to the intestine, where it is taken up through the walls. The intestine ends in the anus.
Freshwatersnails move by expanding and extracting muscles in the foot. There are two sets of muscle fibers,each performs a different task.When moving forward one set contracts pulling the snail from the front and pushing it off toward the back. At the same time the second set pulls the outer surface of the sole forward.
Breathing The Prosobranchs have a gill which is attached to the roof of the mantle cavity.
the lung the gill The lung is situated on the left side of the mantle cavity and is filled with air. Like landsnails they have a pneumostome which is open when they leave the water. The snails in the Family Ampullariidae have a siphon which enables them to take in air while submerged.This is very long in the genus Pomacea,and much shorter in the other genera.
The Pulmonates having no gills need to come to the watersurface to get oxygen. Pondsnails(Lymnaeidae)can fill their mantle cavity with water and are able to extract oxygen from the water.Although Lymnaea truncatula and L.palustris which live in marshes are usually found living out of the water. Lymnaea peregra,a common species,can use different methods depending in which conditions they live.Snails living near the edge of lakes come sometimes to the surface to get air, other snails living further have a bubble of gas in the mantle cavity,and snails living in the deepest part of lakes have a mantle cavity which is always filled with water. The tentacles of Pondsnails have many fine arteries which function as a sort of gill.
Ramshorn snails(Planorbis)have blood with haemoglobin,this helps the snail getting oxygen from the water.Especially in poluted conditions.