(*=from my private collection)

*Field guide to the land snails an slugs of eastern South Africa-Dai Herbert and Dick Kilburn Natal Museum 2004 *Applesnails in the aquarium-Dr.Gloria Perera & Jerry Walsh TFH-publications 1996 *Shell shock-Patrick Mauries Thames & Hudson 1994 *Compendium of landshells-R.Tucker Abott American Malacologists 1989 *The American museum of Natural history guide to shells-Emerson & Jacobson Alfred Knopf 1976 *The world of shells-Robert Scase & Eric Storey Osprey 1975 *Shells on stamps of the world-Arakawa Biological Society of Nagasaki Prefecture 1979 *The shell,500 million years of inspired design-H & M Stix & R.Tucker Abbott Abrams 1973 *Snails and slugs-E.M. Tuke School natural science society 1974 *The giant african snail,A problem in economic malacology-Albert Mead University of Chicago 1961 *The Smithsonian series-shelled creatures-R.Bassler et al. The Series publishers 1949 *Molluscs-J.E. Morton Hutchinson 1968 *British prosobranchs-Alastair Graham Academic Press 1971 *The illustrated guide to molluscs-Horst Janus Harold Starke 1982 *Die Weinbergschnecke-Rudolf Kilias Ziemsen verlag 1985 *A guide to snails of Britain and Europe-V.Pfleger & J.Chatfield Hamlyn 1988 *A field guide to the landsnails of Britain and North-west Europe-Kerney & Cameron Collins 1979 *Your first Giant African Land Snail-Lucie Mann Kingdom 1999*The western society of malacologists field guide to the slug-Gordon Sasquatch books 1997 *Land snails of the British Isles-A.A. Wardhaugh Thomas & Sons 1989 *Farming snails FAO of the United Nations 1986 *Terrestrial slugs-Norman William Runham Hutchinson 1970 *British Slugs : Pulmonata: Testacellidae, Arionidae, Limacidae-H.E. Quick 1960 Pila,the Apple snail-B.Prashad 1932 Freshwater snails of the tropical Pacific Islands-Alison Haynes Institute of Applied Sciences 2001 Guide to the land snails of Bali-Jaap J. Vermeulen and Anthony J. Whitten Backhuys 1998 *North American freshwater snails-John Bayard Burch Malacological Publications 1989 Studies in the Achatininae, a group of African Land Snails-Joseph C. Bequaert 1950 Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico)-H.A. Pilsbry 1939-1948 *Dinosaur in a haystack-Stephen Jay Gould Three Rivers press 1997


  • The giant snails,on the rampage-Readers Digest october 1949
  • The magic lure of seashells-National Geographic-March 1969
  • Treesnails,gems of the Everglades-National Geographic-March 1965
  • Shells take you over the world horizons-National Geographic-July 1949

    *Re prints:

  • The Life of Achatinidae in London-Nisbet 1974
  • Impact of individual's size on the density of the Giant land snail pest Achatina Fulica-Raut and Ghara 1990
  • Notes on two slugs of the genus Veronicella-Robbins and Cockerell 1909
  • South African animal life,non-marine mollusca-A.C. van Bruggen 1970
  • Studies on the colour and genetics of the Black Slug-M.Williamson 1959
  • Notes on introduced slugs of the families Limacidae and Milacidae in Australia with two new records-C.O. van Regteren Altena & Brian Smith
  • Slugs of South-Africa-Lothar Forcart 1963
  • Observations on the pairing of Limax Maximus-L.E. Adams 1898
  • Geographical distributions of slugs-T.D.A. Cockerell 1891
  • Descriptions of three new species of Gulella-A.C. van Bruggen 1965
  • Descriptions and figures of some land and freshwater shells from Mexico believed to be new-W.H. Dall 1909
  • Three new Mexican land snails of the genus Humboldtiana-Burch & Thompson 1957
  • Snails of the Sierra Ancha-S.Stillman Berry 1948
  • New species of landsnails of the genus Partula from Raiatea,Society Islands-Henry E. Crampton 1956
  • Notes on American cyclophoroid landsnails...-J.P.E. Morrison(1955)