Superfamily Pupilloidea
Family Chondrinidae
Genus Abida 
Genus Chondrina                    
Genus Granaria 
Genus Granopupa 
Genus Odontocyclas 
Genus Solatopupa 
Genus Walklea 

Granopupa granum(Draparnaud,1801) Shell:very small,shell mouth with 7 teeth,pale reddish brown with regular fine ribs. 3.5-5.5 mm high and 1.4-1.8 mm wide with 6-8 whorls. Habitat:grassland,rocks,rubbly slopes. Distribution:South France,SW Switzerland,sometimes locally in France.

Granaria frumentum(Draparnaud,1801) Shell is pale brown with a white mouth,6.5-8 mm high x 2.7-3 mm wide.9-10 whorls. Central-Europe and Northern Alps on dry calcerous places.

Granaria variabilis(Draparnaud,1801) Shell:very small,cylindric-conical,shell mouth with 7 teeth,pale brown and a little translucent. 7-15 mm high and 3-4 mm wide with 8-12 whorls. Habitat:warm open places,grassland,rocks and rubbly slopes. Distribution:France(South and East of Lyons)east into SW Switzerland.

Abida biggerensis(Moquin-Tandon,1856) Shell:very small,cylindrical-conical to fusiform,shell mouth with 9 or more teeth,brown, strongly and regularly ribbed. 5.5-6.5 mm high and 2.3-2.6 mm wide with 8-9 whorls. Habitat:rocks and rubbly slopes. Distribution:widespread in the Pyrenees.

Abida polydon(Draparnaud,1801) Shell:similar to A.bigerrensis but bigger 7-9 mm high and 2.3-2.6 mm wide with 8-10 whorls. Habitat:dry grass- or shrubland,sometimes in rocky areas. Distribution:Common in the Mediterranean.

Abida secale(Draparnaud,1801) Shell is brownish,mouth with nine teeth,6-8.5 mm high x 2.3-2.8 mm wide.8,5-10 whorls. West-Europe and the Alps on rocks and in parks,till 2700 mtrs.

Chondrina avenacea(Bruguiere,1792) Shell dark grey or reddish brown,6-8 mm high x 2.3-2.5 mm wide.7-8 whorls. West-Europe and the Alps on bare sunny rocky slopes,till 2000 mtrs.

Chondrina farinessi(Des Moulins,1835) Shell:cone-shaped,brown,5-6.5 mm high x 2.2-2.5 mm wide. Habitat:Open,sunny,limestone slopes Area:common in the Pyrénèes-Orientalis.

Solatopupa similis(Bruguiere,1792) Shell:towershaped,blue-ish white with irregular brown spots, 9.5-13 mm wide x 2.9-4.2 mm high. Habitat:dry,warm,open,limestone rocks Area:From the Pyrenees to the Alpes-Maritimes,the Rhône-valley and South-Switzerland.