Superfamily Rhytidoidea
Family Haplotrematidae

Haplotrema concavum Say,1821 Shell depressed,yellowish or whitish,glossy and smooth. Aperture oval and umbilicus wide and open. Height 5.3-9.5 mm and width 11-21 mm with 4.5-5.5 whorls. In Canada,MA,MI,MO,AR,MS,FL. photo:© 1998 American Microscopical Society, Inc.

Haplotrema vancouverense Lea,1839 Shell solid,depressed,olive-ocher with darker and lighter streaks,spire convex. Height 8-13 mm and width 20.5-32 mm with 5.25-5.5 whorls. In moist and wooded areas. In Alaska,BC,WA,OR,ID,CA © 2000 William Leonard

Haplotrema minimum(Ancey) Shell depressed with a low spire,thin,surface glossy. Height 7-9 mm and width 14-21.8 mm with 5 whorls. In California.

Ancotrema hybridum Ancey,1888 © 2005 Kristiina Ovaska

Ancotrema sportella Gould,1846 Shell depressed,spire very low,color yellowish green,with sharp coarse growth lines. Aperture almost circular. Height 7-9.7 mm and width 11.2-21.4 mm with 5.25-6.3 whorls. In British Columbia,Washington and Oregon. © 1999 William Leonard