Family OreohelicidaeOreohelix hemphilli(Newcomb) Shell depressed with a low spire,thin,spire is pale brown and the last whorl streaked whitish with 2 brown bands. Aperture round oval. Height 10.6 mm and width 16.7 mm with 5.5 whorls. In Nevada and Idaho.
Oreohelix idahoensis(Newcomb) Shell turbinate conic with a blunt apex,buff pink with white ribs. Height 10.5-11.3 mm and width 12-13.7 mm with 5-5.5 whorls. In Idaho.
Oreohelix subrudis(Reeve,1854) Shell oblique,opaque,whitish with a violaceous-brown band.Spire depressed with a obtuse apex. Aperture rounded oval. Height 11 mm and width 14.5-16.5 mm. In Southeastern British Columbia,ID,MO,WY,UT,AZ,NM and CO.
Oreohelix strigosa(Gould,1846) Shell:helicoid,but variable also in colouring:pale,greyish-white to dark-brownish with dark-brown spiral bands,about 6 whorls,umbilicus medium-sized.16-26 mm in width. Habitat:on rocky slopes with vegetation. In British Columbia,WA,ID,MO and OR.
image copyright Robert Forsyth
Oreohelix subrudis(Reeve,1854) Shell:bee-hive shaped,greyish-white to dark brownish,about 6 whorls with a deep suture. Umbilicus medium-sized.About 16-23 mm in width. Habitat:in swamps and along streams. In southeastern British Columbia,ID,WY,UT,CO,AZ,MO and NM.
image copyright Robert Forsyth
Family Helminthoglyptidae Genus Cepolis Genus Epiphragmophora Genus Eremarionta Genus Helminthoglypta Genus Micrarionta Genus Monadenia Genus Polymita Genus Sonorella
Helminthoglypta tudiculata(Binney,1843) Shell globose,cinnamon-brown with darker bands Height 20.5-24.4 mm and width 27.7-33.4 mm with 5.5 whorls.. In Lower California to southern Oregon.
Helminthoglypta allyniana Shell rather thin,low conic to depressed globose with a narrow umbilicus,cinnamon brown turning to yellow brown near the umbilicus,with a dark brown band on the periphery and a yellow-brown band above an below. Height 20 mm and width 25.5-32 mm with 6 whorls. In California.
Helminthoglyta hertleini(Hanna & Smith) Shell thin and fragile,pale golden brown with a narrow brown band of lighter color. Height 12.5 mm and width 15.3-18.5 mm. In Oregon and California
Helminthoglypta arrosa(Gould,1855) Shell globose-conic,solid,reddish-olive and yellow with a brown band.Aperture round ovate and the umbilicus narrow. Height 18.7-28.5 mm and width 27-39.5 mm with 7 whorls. In the coast counties of California There are nine subspecies.
Monadenia fidelis color ochre with darker blotches or streaks,and a carob brown band above the periphery.Below the periphery a naples yellow or lighter band.Base chestnut brown often with pale radial streaks.Surface glossy. height 20-26.5 mm and widthh 31-38 mm with 6.5-6.75 whorls. In Alaska,BC,VI,WA,OR,CA
Monadenia infumata(Gould) Shell depressed with a low conic spire,periphery strongly angular.Color brown or darker. Surface matt,more glossy around the umbilicus. Height 21-22 mm and width 38-39.5 mm with 6-6.5 whorls. In California
Monadenia churchi(Hanna & Smith) Shell depressed with a low conic spire,color pale brown with a darker brown band on the periphery.Above and below there are lighter,cream colored bands. Height 11 mm and width 20 mm with 5.25 whorls. In California.
Monadenia mormonum(Pfeiffer) Shell conical depressed,thin,color pale reddish.A chestnut brown band runs along the periphery with on both sides a whitish band. Aperture oblique. Height 15.5-17 mm and width 30 mm with 6-6.25 whorls. In Callifornia.
Monadenia mormonum loweana Differs from M.mormonum by the dull surface and the appearance of very fine irregular spiral lines. The umbilicus is much wider.Color russet to cinnamon brown,with a dark shoulder band with on both sides a wider buff band. Height 14 mm and width 25.5 mm with 5.5 whorls. In California(Fresno County)
Monadenia hillebrandi(Newcomb) Shell depressed with an angular periphery and low conic spire.Color cinnamon brown or darker. On the periphery a brown band and on both sides a buff brown band.Surface matt. Aperture oblique,umbilicus wide. Height 11.3-13 mm and width 23.2-27 mm with 5.5-6 whorls. In California.
Micrarionta rufocincta(Newcomb) Shell depressed with a low conic spire,color cinnamon brown,with a narrow cinnamon-brown band on the periphery,on both sides a whitish band.Surface somewhat silky. Aperture truncate-oval. Height 11.3-15.5 mm and width 18.5-23.2 mm with 6.25-6.5 whorls. In California.
Micrarionta facta(Newcomb) Shell depressed subglobose,color white with a narrow chestnut-brown band above the periphery. Also pale brownish and the dark band bordered with white.Surface glossy. Height 6-7.3 mm and width 9.4-11.5 mm with 5-5.5 whorls. In California(Santa Barbara Island)
Micrarionta stearnsiana(Gabb) Shell subglobose with a conical spire,color warm buff to pale brown with some lighter mottling, often streaked with dull brown.With an irregular brown band above the periphery. Surface glossy. Height 15.5-21.5 mm and width 20.8-26 mm with 5.3-5.75 whorls. In California.
Sonorella eremita(Pilsbry,1939) San Xavier Talussnail Shell globose-depressed,umbilicate,glossy,opaque pinkish buff,whitish around the umbilicus,with a chestnut-brown band on the periphery,with 4.5 whorls. Height 10.5-11.4 mm and width 18.6-19.4 mm,umbilicus 3 mm. A desert snail which spends a big portion of its life estivated on a rock. In San Xavier Hill,Pima County,Arizona,USA(1.174-1.196 mtrs altitude) Where it feeds on fungus,decaying plants and fresh new shoots.
Sonorella imitator(Gregg & Miller,1974) Mimic Talussnail Shell globose,tan to olive in colour with a chestnut-brown band on the periphery with 4.5 whorls.Diameter is 20 mm. In the Pinaleno Mountains(2.037-3.135 mtrs altitude),Graham County,Arizona,USA. There are five species of Sonorella in the Pinaleno Mountains,which are very hard to tell apart without dissection.
Sonorella hachitana(Dall) Shell depressed,color cinnamon to cinnamon-buff with a single dark band with on both sides a paler color. Height 13.4 mm and width 21.5-24 mm. In New Mexico.
Sonorella macrophallus(H.L & R.L Reeder,1980) Wet Canyon Talussnail Shell heliciform,thin,light brown with a chestnut brown band above the periphery with 4.5 whorls.Height 10.6 mm and width 17.7 mm,umbilicus 2.5 mm. In somewhat wet areas in the canyon botom where it feeds on fungus,decaying plantmatter and fresh green plants. In the Pinaleno Mountains,Graham County,Arizona,USA.
Sonorella walkeri(Pilsbry & Ferriss) Shell subglobose with a conical spire,color pale cinnamon,lighter around the umbilicus.A chestnut brown band on the shoulder which fades on both sides into whitish. Aperture rounded oval. Height 14 mm and width 23 mm with 4.6 whorls. In Arizona.
Sonorella tortillita(Pilsbry & Ferriss) Shell subglobose with a low conical spire,color pinkish buff,pale around the umbilicus.A chestnut brown band above the periphery.Surface glossy. Aperture rounded oval. Height 15.3 mm and width 27.3 mm with 4.6 whorls. In Arizona.
Sonorella galiurensis(Pilsbry & Ferriss) Shell subglobose with a low conical spire,color cinnamon brown,with a chestnut brown band above the periphery,paler on both sides. Height 16.3-16.7 mm and width 25.2-27.5 mm with 5 whorls. In Arizona.
Sonorella caerulifluminis(Pilsbry & Ferriss) Shell depressed,a little translucent,with chestnut brown band on the shoulder.Surface glossy. The animal has a blackish brown head and back fading into grayish brown downwards and backwards.The end is paler. Height 14.6 mm and width 25 mm with 4.5 whorls. In Arizona.
Sonorella ashmuni(Bartsch) Shell subglobose with a broad chestnut band,on both sides a lighter area. Height 16.9 mm and width 23.2-28.2 mm . In Arizona.
Family Humboldtianidae Humboldtiana chisosensis(Pilsbry) Shell oblique,thin,chamois in color with 3 wide carob-brown bands,surface smooth and glossy. Aperture round oval. Height 19-25 mm and width 25-33 mm with 4 whorls. In Texas.
Humboldtiana ferrissiana Shell depressed-globose,thin,yellowish with 3 carob-brown bands,the lower one interrupted. Aperture oblique. Height 22-26 mm and width 29-32.3 mm with 4-4.5 whorls. In Texas.
Humboldtiana texana(Pilsbry) Shell globose,thin,white with narrow streaks and patches of cream color,with 3 brown bands. Height 19-27 mm and width 21-28 mm with 4.4.5 convex whorls. In Texas on short grass in rocky hills.
Pictures courtesy of Femorale