Superfamily Pupilloidea Family Pupillidae Genus Agardhia Genus Argna Genus Glyptopupoides Genus Hemilauria Genus Leiostyla Genus Pumilicopta Genus Pupoides Subfamily Gastrocoptinae Genus Gastrocopta Subfamily Pupillinae Genus Pupilla Subfamily Lauriinae Genus Lauria Subfamily Hypselostomatinae Subfamily AulacospirinaePupilla muscorum Linnaeus,1758Moss snail Shell:brown,cylindrical,3.5 mm high x 1.7 mm wide Habitat:old walls,dunes,dry grassland Area:Eurasia,North-America,England
Pupilla fontana Krauss,1848 Shell:Minute,cylindrical,aperture with 4 teeth,umbilicus open.Colouring buff to light orange-brown,lip and teeth white,translucent.Up to 7 whorls. Length about 3.3 mm. Habitat:Very variable:under stones and leaflitter. DistributionSomalia,Ethiopia to the southern Cape.
Pupilla tetrodus Boettger,1870 Shell:Sinistral,cylindrical,spire more tapering than P.fontana,aperture with 4 teeth,lip wider than P.fontana.Colouring buff to pale brown,lip and teeth white, translucent.Length about 3.0 mm.Up to 5 whorls. Habitat:Variable:semi-desert to moist coastal areas. DistributionSouthern Africa:the Cape to Lesotho,Namibia and Botswana.
Pupoides calaharicus Boettger,1886 Shell:Cylindrical,with 5-6 whorls,spire more tapering than other species,aperture with 1 tooth.Umbilicus open.Colouring buff to orange-brown,tooth and lip whitish. Length up to 6.0 mm. Habitat:Under logs,Aloes and rocks,sometimes in bark of trees. DistributionNamibia,Botswana,Zimbabwe and South-Mozambique to the eastern Cape.
Lauria dadion Benson,1864 Shell:Like P.fontana but with only 1 tooth,body whorl bigger,up to 6 whorls. Colouring buff to light ochre-brown,translucent.Length up to 3.3 mm. Habitat:Montane Podocarpus forest,in leaflitter and on treetrunks. DistributionEastern South-Africa:Cape Peninsula to the Limpopo Province,the Umtata area and KwaZulu-Natal Midlands to the Drakensberg foothills.
Leiostyla(Lauria) anglica Wood,1828English Chrysalis snail Shell:reddish-brown,oval,3.5 mm high x 1.9 mm wide,6 whorls Habitat:damp places in woods,swamps Area:British Isles
Lauria cylindracea Da Costa,1778Chrysalis snail Shell:pale brown,transparent,glossy,4 x 2 mm Habitat:woods,grasslands,rocky terrain,old walls Area:West-Europe,The Mediterrean
Family Vertiginidae
Gastrocopta cristata Pilsbry&Vanatta,1900 Shell:yellowish-brown:2.5 mm with 5 whorls and 6 teeth. Area:North-America(Eastern Oklahoma,Texas,Arizona,Missouri)
Gastrocopta procera Gould,1840 Shell:yellowish-brown,2.7 mm with 6 whorls.The apex and lip are whitish, the aperture has a platal fold which is split into two teeth and situated on a callus ridge. In Maryland to South-Carolina.
Gastrocopta recondita Taperone Canefri,1883 Shell very small,thin and a little translucent,whitish,surface glossy. The aperture has 7-8 teeth. Shell size:1.9-2.3 mm high,1.0-1.3 mm wide,4-4.5 whorls. On Bali,Nusa Penida,Java,Sunda;Tanimbar;Aru-Islands,Haruku and Australia. In coastal habitats,but also further inland in forests,disturbed areas on limestone soil.
Gastrocopta servilis Gould,1843 Shell very small,thin and a little translucent,pale brown,surface glossy. The aperture has 4 small teeth. Shell size:2.3-2.7 mm high,1.1-1.3 mm wide,4-6 whorls. On Bali,The Caribbean,Pacific,Australia,Indonesia and The Philippines in coastal habitats on limestone soil.
Gastrocopta rogersensis Nikola & Coles,2001 Shell:2.2 mm,similar to G.procera but differs by teeth.
Gastrocopta armifera Say,1821 Shell 3-5 mm in height,aperture with large teeth. In Canada to Florida.
Gastrocopta contracta Say,1822 Shell globose,whitish,aperture with strongly present teeth,2.5 mm in height. In Canada to Florida.
Gastrocopta rupicola Say,1821 Shell is 2,5 mm in height and lighter in color than G.procera. On lime stone rocks in South-Carolina to Florida.
Gastrocopta corticaria Say,1816 Shell whitish and waxy,conic-shaped,1.5 mm in height. The aperture has a single parietal tooth. In Canada to Florida.