Snails of the world:Central-America
This region covers the area between Mexico in the north and Panama in the south,also included are the Islands around these countries.
Some genera of the families Polygyridae and Thysanophoridae are common in Mexico.
Labyrynthus of the Camaenidae family,being typical South-American can be found as far as Costa Rica.The same goes for Solaropsis 
from the Solaropsidae family.
The genera Rotadiscus and Chanomphalus belong to the family Punctidae,their shells have a wide umbilicus and are fine radial ribbed.
The large Oleacinidae family has about 100 species living in this area.Some genera are:Salasiella,Streptostyla,and Varicoglandina.
The Eucalodiinae are a Urocoptidae subfamily with many-whorled,elongated and decollated shells.Eucalodium decollatum from Mexico 
is the largest species with a shell-size of up to 80 mm.
Other genera are Anisospira,Coelocentrum and Holospira.The genus Holospira can be found in Mexico(and Texas,New Mexico and Arizona) 
where it lives in very dry area's.
Holospira(photo:Florida Museum of Natural History)
Holospira(Photo:Florida Museum of Natural History)

Their area of distribution is usually a small one,sometimes even a few hundred metres. Indigenous to this region is the subfamily Xanthonychinae(Xanthonychidae). There are few operculate snails living here:Prosperinella and Ceres from the Ceresidae,Tomocyclus and Amphicyclotus from the Neocyclotidae, and Schasicheila form the Helicinidae.

Further info:A key to identifying Mexican landsnails
